Tuesday, June 12, 2012

I don't know about you, but it seems that I can't go to any store without forgetting SOMETHING!!!  The kid is grabbing things off the shelves and tossing it in the cart without my knowledge, (half of the time the husband is too). I try making lists but they're never organized therefore I am usually backtracking.  As a mom who works full time, I don't have time to dawdle when I shop.  I need to get in, get out, and get on with my day.  My newest idea is to make a list of the stores that I shop at by department.  Example will be Target.  If you're a tech-savvy mom, then you can use Target's ipad app.  I'm anti-ipad, so I prefer the good old paper list.  I laid mine out in the direction that we usually walk through the store, so yours can go in any particular order.  Simple word doc, I didn't do anything special.  But hopefully it helps someone!!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

I Now Pronounce You...

I was in Vegas this weekend...
(I know, you're thinking "Yess!!! It's not staying there!!!" but no.)
I seemed to be surrounded by a group that was predominantly anti-marriage. They were all from different backgrounds and some are divorced, some never married. At first I tried to defend myself and the sanctity of marriage, but after a while I was blue in the face!! I also realize that I shouldn't have to defend a topic as common as marriage to those who just don't want it. It leads me to ask the question, "Why is it your business?" I am happy in my life with the choices I have made. I have an amazing partner who is by my side through thick and thin. Over the past three years we've been deep in both of those. But no matter how bad life got, we always had each other. That is what is important to me. My husband is a companion, a friend, a rock, a lover, a shoulder, a father, a provider, a counselor, a nurse, my everything. Unfortunately not everyone can be as lucky as we are. And I'm not saying everyone should get married, however I did. It was my decision, and I've never regretted it a day in my life.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

That's A Little Better

I added a fresh new template! Kind of excited about it... I'll get excited again next year, right??...

Worst. Blogger. Ever.

I think it's official. Who does that? Posts like once or twice a year??? I think I need some help!!!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

WOW! We've Got Some Catching Up To Do!!!

In May, I was still so early in the pregnancy that we didn't know much! Let me catch you up on some things:

July 2nd- We learned we were having a baby girl. We chose the name Henley Rose. Henley after my English roots (plus we just liked it!) and Rose after myself and my grandmother.

I had a lot of doctors appointments, blood tests, non-stress tests, etc. I was at the doctors 2-3 times per week!!!

October 7th- I was on my way out of my bi-weekly non-stress test when my OB called and told me my liver enzymes came back elevated in my last blood test and that I needed to go to the hospital to have it re-drawn. They kept me overnight. They also kept me the following night, and gave me a shot of celestone (a steroid to help Henley's lungs develop quicker). The 9th, I was transported to Loma Linda University Medical Center because they have a good NICU, so when the baby came we would not be separated.
Here, they gave me another shot of celestone. I was hospitalized there for 3 days with hourly blood testing, a tree of IV's, and labs galore when at 6am on October 12th, the doctors came in and said between my blood pressures, liver enzymes and drop in platelet levels, I would be delivering that day. I was only 32 weeks and 4 days pregnant when this happened. I was terrified. I send Justin a message that said "You should come down here, we're having a baby today". I couldn't form the words. It was still 8 weeks until my due date. She still had a lot of cooking to do, but at least I was in a great hospital. The process began slowly. VERY slowly. I first had to take pills to soften my cervix. When they finally started me on Pitocin, I was miserable from all of the other meds they were giving me.
The contractions were honestly not that bad. I'd say the pain level was about a 7 and I could handle that. ... Until it hit 10. I was then ready for my epidural. After the epidural I was great! Henley, however, was not so great. Her heart rate was dropping with the Pitocin, and I was not dilating past 4cm. They finally told me that we were going to do a c-section. I was exhausted at this point. I just went with it. It wasn't part of my birth plan, but if it's safest for my baby, go ahead and do it! So at 3:18am on October 14th, we welcomed our daughter. Henley Rose came into the world at 5lbs 4oz, 17 1/2 in. She had a slightly low blood sugar (from me) but took a bottle right away. It corrected and hasn't been a problem since. Thanks to the celestone, she has been on room air since birth, but because of her gestational age, she was rushed off to the NICU as soon as she came out. I didn't even hear her cry until the next day.
Henley spent the next two weeks of her life in the NICU. The first few were under the bilirubin lights (jaundice). She had a feeding tube in her nose for when she couldn't finish a meal, but other than that our baby girl has thrived! She's very mature for her age, and we are so proud of her!!!
On November 1st, we FINALLY got to bring her home! It was incredible, though Justin didn't get a whole lot of sleep that night. It's so good to have her here with us, for good!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Baby-Watch 2010

Today I had an appointment with a diabetes educator. For those who don't know, I've been diabetic for 14 1/2 years now. I think I know what I'm doing. I put in a lot of time and work on getting my levels perfect before even trying to conceive, but thankfully this lady noticed that and wont make me come back unless it's voluntary.
After the appointment I stopped by my lovely mother's house. She looked at my rapidly expanding belly and said "Oh Manda, you're going to get huge!" This prompted me to come home, hop on the treadmill with hand weights and then finish with some prenatal yoga.
Still in my first trimester I've been feeling nauseated all day, and this workout didn't help. Now my back is killing me and I've got no stomach for dinner.
I'm going to lay down on my living room floor now.
The End.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

I can't wrap my head around it...

It seems like days ago that we decided it was finally time to start a family. Within 2 months, (April 1, 2010) we found out that I was pregnant. Up until this past Friday, it didn't seem real. Then Justin and I went to the doctors, where we had the first ultrasound done. I heard the baby's heartbeat. It all became so real at that very moment. Right when I was about to get teary-eyed, the heartbeat got a little funky, and I couldn't help but laugh! (Let's face it, my kid's got great rhythm!)
December 4th, 2010 is the expected due date of baby Vining. Will it be a boy, or a girl? Will it have my eyes and Justin's hair? Will it be tall or short? I have a baby book that has questions for you to fill in your answers. One of those questions is "What dreams do you have for your child?" Personally I think that's one of the most asinine questions you could ever ask. But here's my answer.

I want my child to be born healthy, raised in a happy, loving home, and never have to endure anything that will make it hurt. I also want my child to make it's own decisions, be an individual, and most of all, not EVER live through anyone else's dreams. Be yourself, baby! Be yourself!

Love, Mom.